quote:Originally posted by Female Hawk:

quote:Originally posted by Mike M:

I had been debating tackling your Trusting Me, Trusting You story due to my getting through Bob Bartholomew's After Nightfall story (much shorter) with a fair bit of Lex beating on Clark (as Superman) and I was beginning to get to my beating/torture limit with that one. Thanks for a bit of clarification as to story content.


The bad stuff is at the beginning of TMTY. If you can get through the first few chapters, it becomes a whole lot easier. I have never thought of it as 'torture fic'.



Thanks for the information. I can easily get through the first few chapters. I am now getting into KenJ's Matchmaker series so it may be a while before I can get to TMTY as I am finding my limit at two to three stories simultaneously before I begin getting confused... Maybe I can find or create a .mobi of TMTY to use on an upcoming couple of trips via the wonder of air travel.

Thanks again.


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Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham