I try to put warnings in my stories prior to explicit scenes, which might turn a reader's stomach. While I've never had Lois raped in any of my stories, I have Lois had sexually attacked. (The attack was thankfully interrupted.) I hope I remembered to post a warning at the beginning of that part, and I apologize if I did not. I did recently post a not quite romantic sex scene which included this warning at the beginning:

A/N: The scene starting with “Christine” is of explicit TMI nature and may be skipped by anyone wishing do to so. (Neither Lois nor Clark appear in the scene). Just scroll down to the next set of ***.
But that was just for bad sex, not non-consensual sex.

I also know that I included WHAM warning for my Wrong Clark series, because I killed off and injured so many people in Book 1 (mostly because it started with Clark's death). Included in that WHAM warning was warning of a romantic relationship between Lois and Dan that was actually tender and somewhat loving, which my Betas thought was icky, but only because Dan wasn't Clark. There was some things that could've triggered people's PTSD, because that was the story where Lois was sexually attacked, and those triggers triggered Lois as well (which was why Lois told both Dan and Lex she wasn't able for a more intimate relationship with either of them).

I know that Lex often thinks and does things (although usually not described in too much detail, because there's only so far I would want to venture into his sick mind), which others could find uncomfortable to read. I'll try to remember to warn readers whenever I have another Lex POV scene, as his thoughts aren't often kind and he's been known to do non-consensual sexual torture. As a matter of fact, I'll update my WHAM warnings right now to reflect this. (Done)

I'll work harder to make sure that anything of an explicit nature (implied or otherwise) will carry a warning ahead of time from now on, even if such horrible scenes don't include Lois or Clark (which they usually don't). Thanks for the reminder.

FYI: When we self-proclaimed "Evil Writers" talk about Torturing our Characters, we mean it in the loosest of terms and not always literally and/or physically. As Clark will be the first to admit, just watching Lois dating and considering marrying Lex is torture to one who loves her and knows what Luthor is capable of. Sometimes the torture only involves the amount of roadblocks we've tossed in the path of true love (i.e. metaphorical torment). We hope the readers on this board know that the term "Evil Writer" is tongue-in-cheek and not literal.

Female Hawk wrote:
One more thing ... Virginia said ...
Any way it's spelled, Corinna, you qualify as an Evil Writer (Female Hawk literally tortures Clark in Trusting Me, Trusting You ). Honey, you're OVERQUALIFIED.
I know it was a light-hearted comment, V - one that made me smile, but there is no direct torture in TMTY - it's hinted at and the consequences are definitely there for all to see, but it's a story of healing not abuse, love not hate, forgiveness not brutality. [Smile]
Wait. All those K-Rod scenes happened off page? Really? shock I guess my imagination is better than I thought when you faded to black and returned to show Clark beaten up. Yes, I meant it in a light-hearted manner. I'm also not one to call people "honey" either. blush Sometimes my Southern heritage slips out, though.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.