Originally Posted by Female Hawk
Virginia - From memory, there is one scene where we see Clark exposed to K - but hey, that's stock standard LnC. There is also another scene where Lois exposed him to K, but there are good reasons for that. He is beaten by K-rods, but the readers only see (read) the effects of the beating.

I'm glad your imagination was at work, though! I really tried to write the story so that each reader could apply their imagination to their own comfort (relatively speaking wink ) level.


I had been debating tackling your Trusting Me, Trusting You story due to my getting through Bob Bartholomew's After Nightfall story (much shorter) with a fair bit of Lex beating on Clark (as Superman) and I was beginning to get to my beating/torture limit with that one. Thanks for a bit of clarification as to story content.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham