If people don't want to be explicit about the specific nature of the scene or scenes in their fic because they don't want to give spoilers, why not include a statement at the start along the lines of Contains elements which may be triggery for some. Please IM me if you're concerned and want to know more.
I completely agree! I very grateful not to have any personal experience with sexual assault or rape, but I have too many friends who have. The "triggering" we're talking about here is triggering PTSD. It's not a matter of "I don't wanna hear or read about it." It's much, much more serious.

Personally, I've read a few stories with rape in them that I thought were ... important to the story and done "well" (whatever that means). My acceptance of it depends on how it's done. It's definitely not my preference to read these kinds of stories. And, thankfully, I'm not triggered by them.

I'd hate to think that anyone with PTSD would deem these boards an unsafe place. frown


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