Welcome back to America's Funniest Captions! I'm your host, Kathy Brown. When we went to commercial (wow, seemed like six days ago ... oh wait, it was six days ago!), we were about to reveal our finalists for the Grand Prize.

Will it be Queen of the Capes' "Casting the First Stone"? Or Marnie's "Hanging Out With The Guys"? Or maybe first time contestant James' "Flagpole Minatures". Enter your votes now, FoLCs!

<insert Jeapordy music here ... yes, I know it's the wrong show, but we're putting this together on the fly -- get it, the fly? Superman? Heh heh -- and don't have a big budget to compose our own theme song>

And the winner is ....

James "MrD8a" and "Flagpole Minatures"! (For the sheer absurdity of it all and making me laugh so hard. <g>)

<insert wild applause from the audience here>

You're up, James! (And sorry I went AWOL on this one. Real Life caught up with me for a few days and I forgot that I needed to pick a winner. smile )
