Lois: She really did that?
Superman: Yes, she was really funny. She just...
Hanging man: Help!
Superman: ...jumped on this horse, and it immediately dropped her down.
Lois: Oh, Lana is just so stupid...
Superman: Tell me about it. I've...
Hanging man: Help!!
Superman: ...known her for so many years, and she never ceases to amaze me.
Lois: The good or the bad way?
Superman: The bad, of course, Lois. Showing off isn't...
Hanging man: HELP!!
Superman: ...the best way to...
Lois: Hey, did you hear anyone screaming?
Superman: No. Did you?

Don't shoot. peep
See ya,

BTW, 2004 eukes gia to neo etos...hope I got that right.
Yes, you did smile Efharisto poly, episis!!

What we've got here is failure to communicate...