Oh, I haven't checked this thread in a while, but I had to jump in with the answer to this one. It's Kathy Brown's hilarious rewrite of The People v. Lois Lane: Now, Hold On a Minute Here!

This will be an easy one, I think...
A science-fiction geek with a sense of humour? Stifling a grin, Lois replied, “Well, I’ve never danced with an evil interplanetary overlord before, so I guess I could give it a

Darth inclined his head. “I’m honoured.”

She went into his arms in an easy movement, and found him an excellent dancer. “They must teach you well on the Death Star.”

“Subliminal programming,” her partner deadpanned. “Uploaded to our brains every night as we sleep. The Empire doesn’t like wasting time.”

“Efficient,” she agreed. “Do they also pre-programme you to treat women as equals? Because if not I’m not sure that I can afford to be seen with you...”

“Women, equals?” Darth queried. She could hear his incredulous tone even through the distortion of his helmet. Actually, she thought, he had to be really hot under there, especially given that his outfit was made of PVC too. “That does not compute,” he said solemnly.

Lois rolled her eyes. “You’re supposed to be Darth Vader, not Mr Spock!”

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5