Oh, I know this one! smile1
It's the lovely and funny In the beginning by B.B. Medos!

This is easy:


"She's awake," a soft male voice whispers.

"About time!"

I bolt upright and turn my head towards the sound. A woman,
her arms crossed in front of her chest, is standing at the
foot of the bed. She is staring rather belligerently down
at me.

"You... you... you're..."

"Cover yourself!" she snaps.

Hastily, I draw up the coverlet and hold it bunched up
under my chin. Suddenly, I'm wide awake.

"What do you mean - cover yourself? You're in my bedroom!"

"She's got a point, honey."

Amusement tinges the well-known velvety male voice and I
turn my head once again to gape at him.

Him! It's really him!

"Okay, that's enough! Stop ogling my husband. We'll wait
for you in the living room. Join us as soon as you've put
on something decent."
simona smile