Ooh, I know! Okay, I cheated a little because I knew this was Labrat but I had to check to see which story. But you can't mistake Rat's style there wink

Anyway, this is Rat's Burnout (for which we are still waiting for a sequel! Nag nag nag!).

Okay, here's the next one, from an author I'm stunned we haven't seen yet because she always cracks me up laugh

Two quotes because I couldn't decide on one. wink Think of the second one as a hint, because the first one's harder to identify.

The very next day, she fell from the observation deck of the Metropolis Planetarium. Up until Lois nearly died, it had been a wonderful night.
"Open manhole" and "STAR Labs break-in" had already been checked off. "Held at gunpoint", which had seemed like a pipe dream when she'd written it, had been made possible by Clark, himself. Lois checked it off with no small satisfaction.

"Next up, man-eating shark."