-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --

And when was Luthor ever in her bedroom?

Somehow it brings to mind "A Doll's House" by Ibsen. Although even there the man has a higher level of respect for his wife than Luthor does for Lois. Not much, but some.
LEX: I'm confused. What is this "respect" word?

Actually hadn't Clark been torn between it being Luthor and being B-39?
Nope. That was at first. After the discovery of Monique Kahn's body and the cameras in Lois's apartment matching those found at the Carlen Building, which blew up as soon as Superman entered (shortly after SM arrived in Metropolis), Clark has believed it was Luthor.

“May I call someone to pack your personal belongings?” he asked. She could see the hope on his face.

JOHN: Wow, he really does not want her leaving even a little.
Scarey thing. Another canon line of dialogue. Why did canon Lois ever *want* to marry this creep?

Although would Luthor want others to be able to track his own behavior?
I bet he has the ability to turn them on and off by remote.

His perpetual refusal to remember Jimmy's name.
Doesn't matter how many times he lives this life, he still hasn't learned Jimmy name. laugh

Luthor is really getting too cocky for his own good. How would he know this? Also he seems to be too confident in the effectveness of his goons. No one ever suspected Clark had "walked out". Lois was positive he was kidnapped, and no one else really gave any reason to doubt.
Let's see: a) from his DP mole; b) from the person he has following Lois around; c) from inner LNN gossip; or d) from the person who threw Clark into Hob's Bay.

I did wonder how they avoided Clark's return becoming public knowledge.
I told you that they spent the afternoon in the sunshine.

This is brilliant. Protesting too much might at times be taken as a sign that the person involved doubts the truth of their claim, or that the claim is false. However no one takes it to mean the claim is more true than you say it is. The assumption is if you could disprove with a simple "he did return" you would never say anythign else.
CAT: So, did you sleep with Lois, Clark?

CLARK: Sleep? Sure did. We did LOTS of sleeping together. More sleeping than I've been getting lately. I woke up feeling better than any other night since I moved to town.

CAT: <<holds up hand>> Okay. Enough already. I don't need the gruesome details.

CLARK: smile1 Always good to hear. Thanks for the comments.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.