I am just glad she became right about him by now, although she does not distrust him enough.
Do you mean "fear"?
Hmm, maybe that is the problem. Lois just plain does not fear people. Even after they shot her.

Lois:It was an accident.

he is getting a little bit of his memory back.
CAT: See! Sunlight!
I am unconvinced this is a result of exposure to the sun.

And she stopped him from getting the sun he needed to recover.
Actually, they spent the afternoon outside waiting for the launch of the Asgard rocket with the crowds.
This is a good thing then. Although, how did they justify Clark being in public when they are trying to keep his recovery secret?

CLARK: What? You expected me to stop after wanting to kiss her all day?
Well, I was afraid such might happen when Jimmy showed up.

I think this is a good plan.
Except for the fact Lex might actually know something useful. WE know he doesn't, but they don't.
Has Lex ever known something useful?

LOIS: Handsome hunk wants me back at his apartment and possible death from world destruction vs. underground lair for 3 years with creepy guy chasing me around and no escape? Hmmmmm.
Well there is a reason I never said I thought Lois would willingly stay there. I am just less sure that she will have any choice.

John Pack Lambert