Originally posted by John Lambert:
OK, maybe on the scale of "catch Harrington in a crime" verses "expose me and Clark to office gossip", it does not make sense that she objects.
That was Perry's point.

Still, I like how she is at least acknowledging the whole Revenge inicident. The failure to do so in the show made the episodes too close to no net change, zero-sum episodes.
Well, being that here it was only a week ago. Yes, I couldn't believe canon they just brushed that under the rug, before sending them off on a honeymoon. But, welcome to television, where a character can have a broken arm one episode and be off playing football (American style) the next.

Hey, he was on the verge of telling her 4 sections ago or so, I lost most patience at that point. Actually, he almost told her 15 or so sections ago. So he has been so close, so often, I have just decided to constantly push for it.
Actually, he first tried to tell her back about part 20, when he thought she had kissed him on Trask's plane because she liked him. So, what you're saying is that as a theme, this one bites the big one? Or has dragged on too long? Oh, dear. blush

Of course I still will read after she finds out. Even if they get married the next scene. Somehow I doubt that it will happen like that.
Thank you! sloppy And, no, it won't happen like that.

So, yes, his first response was wishy-washy, but then he added more clarification back there.
But he isn't supposed to know that she remembers that. As far as he knows (from what she told him), she had a total blackout of those two days.

LOIS: [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.