“No!” Lois said, stomping her foot and crossing her arms. “Absolutely not! I’m not staying in the honeymoon suite with Clark! I couldn’t possibly do that. We just got the rumors under control since Miranda sprayed us with Revenge, and now you want me to… to… to…” She waved her hand, unable to answer.
This reason to not do it makes a lot of sense.

Clark raised his hands in surrender. “What night…? Oh. No. No! I’d never talk about you behind your back, Lois.”
Clark: That would just be cruel and wrong.

Jimmy’s face seemed drawn. “Nightmare?”
Lois: Actually, it was your cousing, but close enough.

“So, Lois, are you going to let Cat and Kent here take lead on this story?” Perry asked, and Clark exhaled with relief, realizing the Chief’s plan.
Perry: I do understand how to get what needs to happen to happen.

“How would that look?” Lois exclaimed, raising her chin. “No, I can’t let you do that to Clark. It would ruin his reputation, spending three days in the honeymoon suite with… with… her!”
Clark: smile1 she cares about me. And she is jealous.

Lois glared at him. “Well, next time, Chuck, ask me yourself and maybe you’ll get an answer more to your liking,” she snapped.

Clark’s jaw dropped. What had she just said?
Clark: I would do this, if not for the curse.

Cat purred, “It sounds like someone is protesting too much.
hyper he is going to tell her all his secret. OK, I only have a little bit of hope of that happening.

John Pack Lambert