“Not to me, Clark,” Lois said, leaning over and lightly brushing a kiss across his mouth. She didn’t know why she had done it, and it appeared that Clark was shocked by the move as she was.
I think you want to say "Clark was as shocked by the move as she was." Technically the current way works, but I think the extra as makes it sound better and is probably what you meant to say.

On another note, smile1 another kiss. I think we have exceeded the in-canon kisses from Episode 1, although clearly canon is not comprehensive of all Lois-Clark-Superman actions. I mean "Bad Brain Johnson" was put away by Lois/Clark/Superman the first time in a scene not shown in canon for example, so maybe they kissed a time or two more, or maybe Lois got her lips on Clark while under Revenge, but I am pretty sure we have exceeded canon season 1 kisses, at least that Lois knew were with Clark, and maybe even if we count those with Lois and SM.

John Pack Lambert