Sydney: Who? What? Me? smile1 Thank you.

Ken: <<checks outline>> Nope. Luthor doesn't get caught yet. He's currently dipped in snake oil so everything slides right off him. (Anyway, where's the fun in that? wink ) And if I get rid of Lex, I'd have to come up with another bad guy.

Laura: Thanks. Just trying to keep things fun and interesting. Posting again by Thursday. Now that I've finished my Summer/Fall ficathon(s), I'll concentrate more on WC again.

Pat: Lois *never* thought of the cameras as "innocent". Lucy certainly didn't. Clark didn't think it was an innocent prank. Good thing the Pranster is currently in jail wink or they'd have another suspect.

As soon as Lois gets her arm mended, I expect to see these dumb guys flying around the room like they are an examination to be passed in karate. Do they realize who they are messing with?
Luckily for them, they'll be nice and safe in jail before Lois is healed.

I also like that Lois is comparing Clark and Superman mentally when she notices something that she likes or wants to happen again.
Hmmmm. Wonder why that is? [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.