Hi Virginia! I've spent 3 days reading your "wrong books" and my family has been eating leftovers, cherrios and Fruit since then... blush

I can't stop reading! And considering the amount of my daily chores I'm glad that I have developed some habilities in order to keep reading: cooking + reading (btw my cellphone is now decorated with tomato and avocado stains), reading in the shower, knit-and-read, jog and read, shock and read in the middle of a telephone conversation.... a coherent telephone conversation.... lol did they count as "super-habilities"????

There are so many things that I like about your story: in the first book I got scared when I read the initial warning and almost quit the story, but I started reading anyway and got hooked by the first paragraphs. I could picture the image of a string, successful, strong and lonely Lois... I liked Scardino, nut not enough to become Lois' couple, I loved Jimmy and his dinosaur bone, I can almost heard Clark's voice in Lois' head, I loved their fights, I was so sad about Jonathan's accident....... and as soon as I finished the first book, came running to read the second and. again, I'm hooked.
Loved the twist that you gave at Cat's character!!! I always thought that with her dettailed observation of male bodies surely could note the similarities between CK and SM and discover the identity!
I'm anxious to discover how are you going to present the pheromone event, how will you introduce Martha and Jonathan in alt-Clark's life, how is Luthor going to mess with CK and Lois, are Scardino and Mayson going to appear again? For some reason, I believe that this time Mayson and Lois won't be BFFs!!!!

So, I must stop writing and back to read, now that My amily sleeps.
Fabulous job, Virginia!! And thanks for sharing it to all of us, LnC fans!

Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?"
Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"