X Phile: wave

It makes my day to see a new post. I swear I've never been to work early so many times in my life than when I started reading this. Usually I hit snooze once or twice or eight times before I get up and zombie off to work and get there JUST on time. But now, every other day at least, I am up and awake once that alarm goes off to read your story and thus, get to work 10 minutes early.
I'm your reason for getting up in the morning and going to work? <<bites nails>> No pressure there! shock Well, let's hope your boss doesn't find out and send wildguy after me during my vacation. wink

Good luck with the birthday party. Sounds like fun
Hopefully it will be for the 3-8 crowd. I'm only hoping to survive with as little blood loss as possible.

IolantheAlias: Yep, well she is offering to help him with his career as a trade. Nope. Still cruel. Don't worry, she'll get it dealt back to her, in spades (and not hearts).

I wonder if Clark will think less of Lois because she made this outright lie.
Um... Less of Lois? No, Clark can only think less of himself and of bad guys by the name of Lex Luthor. Lois, in his opinion, has a rocket on her back and she's shooting upwards towards the stars (in a good way) on her way to the top of that nice pedistal he's built for her. Good thing it's made of steel and is as strong as he is or it might break or something. And *then* where would our favorite couple be? Her a red spot on the ground, him floating above it blaming himself. <<trying really hard not to use the Splat Devil here>>

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.