Michael: This one and two more and I'll be caught up. Well, at least on MY FDK.

/laughs maniacally and points at Clark/
(what, does one always have to be mature?)
What? He hasn't had a hard enough day as it was?

So, not that great a day, afterall…
No, not really.

That’s true. They wouldn’t have a term for the events surrounding the New Kryptonian wedding and honeymoon if they already used ‘Watergate’ here.
I don't see the parallels but okay. Well, if you looked at it from Nor's POV, it might work.

See? Still out there that variety.
Not that Clark's ever met. Well, canon Clark met those crazy NK's but... they don't count, because they were Kryptonian... kind of.

Is that when he stumbles over his own feet?
If he walks around his living room often enough in both Clark clothes and the Super suit, they are bound to cross paths at some point. But since it was Clark speaking, he doesn't always stick on the good side of truth, like Superman tries to.

Yes, but he’d rather sleep his way to the top.
BUT... he's not getting any!

Great IVY. And that Lois is still considering an encounter with Lex to be less appealing than a second night in the sewers.
No IVY in this story. Lois came up with those thoughts all on her own.

All she needs is a Beast™.
LOIS: ooooh. hyper Could he wear blue and come from outer space?

How about he tells her to enter in a relationship with Clark and be his live-in girlfriend for at least a year. Then, if she still wants to, Superman would be available.
Okay, maybe not "anything."

Ouch. That slap must have hurt her.
Hey! But she slapped him first!

Sobs? Even in Lex’s delusional mind, Lois’s response wouldn’t constitute sobs, would they? Yammering, sure.
But tears don't make a sound. How about sniffling?

He’s bored. Quick, get him a puppy to toture!
Um... Michael, he already has a dog. (As seen in the Requiem episode... of course, nobody ever saw that dog again so clap

That’s a non- sequitur if I ever saw one.
She's going back to their previous conversation about Clark telling Superman about Lois jumping from the plane.

Wait, she’s trying to convince us that she has a sixth sense about when men, or even just Clark, is lying to her? Yeah, right.
No, just Perry, but don't worry, he doesn't buy it any more than we do.

Your Lois is sooo adorable!
blush Thank you. I hope you don't send her off to the Luthor House for the Mentally Unstable anytime sooon.

There’s a loophole in there.
In Perry's mind there's ALWAYS a story to write about, but yeah.

She suddenly reminds me of a female major in some spy movie.
So, you think she's going to fall for the spy?

/hands her a green knife/

And if he tells her that she should just talk to Clark in that case?
[Linked Image]

I did notice she still took the coffee.
Why let it go to waste? huh

And another slap.
Lois did pull that 'ordinary man' speech on Clark, and dumped him on the newsroom floor when they didn't technically have a relationship.

He’s a Clark now. Not an Alt-Clark! Well, a Fake-Clark. Flark?
If he was named Clark by the Kents in his dimension, how does that make him a Flark?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.