I know, didn't find one with a blue suit *and* a halfway decent portray shot. And that's a Trandoshan (see link). They hunted, enslaved, and sold Wookies(TM) during the heydays of the Empire.
I guess everyone else in the galaxy knows that if you don't look better in blue than Superman, stay away from the color.

Thanks for the reminder.

Oh. I see. And no, I can't remember reading (or re-reading for FDK) even a hint of that. I did wonder how he could hear her/if he heard her but he mentioned the surveillance should be put in so I shrugged and posted it in FDK
Well, I'm glad to see I'm still good at subtlety when it's not needed. [Linked Image]

No, heart beats. If you go with a pulse of 60, that's about three years. Less, if it's faster. I didn't really want to figure out how long they had been engaged and stuff...
The length of their actual engagement differs by which person you ask.

You did the JL vigis from Queen of Capes, didn't you?
Here April Fool's stories? razz

Are you saying they don't deserve a distinct name and screen time?
No, that's fine, I was just trying to curb the confusion.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.