Hi Virginia,

Great part. I love how Lois sees (remembers) all the differences between this Clark and "her" Clark, even if I have to agree with KenJ about Alt Clark's hairdo: I dont' remember anything different about his hairdo.

My favorite quote:
“His tie isn’t loud enough. He doesn’t eat junk food. He always uses the stairs. His glasses are completely the wrong style. His hair shouldn’t be parted down the middle like that. His apartment is empty, and he bought the wrong dishes,” she rambled off.
Too funny: I imagine Perry hearing that!

And I love how your story is sometimes funny and sometimes sad : poor Alt Clak, doesn't he belong anywhere? Why is he always the "Wrong Clark"? In this chapter, I really understand the title of your story. And it's so sad.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter, after your vacation... and after my own vacation. I'm leaving in a week.

Have a great vacation, Virginia!



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
(Edmond Rostand)