“Henderson! Can you help me. I just want to sign whatever paperwork I need to so I can get rid of those bags. I don’t want them; I don’t want to see them. Then, Clark and I have some questions for you.”

“Clark?” Henderson asked. “He’s here?”

Lois became annoyed as Henderson started to look past her into the waiting area for Clark. “No, he’s outside, parking my Jeep. Apparently there are no parking spaces out there… Hey!” She exclaimed, as without a word, Henderson took off through the entrance doors.

Hmmm, somehow I forgot to comment on this excellent part! shock A great deal happened. The breakfast at the café, which of course was interrupted by a jubilant Jimmy and recalcitrant Jack. Oh, how I wish that had been part of the original episode. It made a lot more sense than what was originally presented. Than the discussion between Perry and Franklin Stern. Again, how I wish that we could have seen a much longer version simply for the joy of watching two world-class actors work together without chewing the scenery. Stern had a definite 'game plan' revolving around purchasing the Daily Planet. The centerpiece being Lois and Clark writing the definitive articles on the House of Luthor. Brilliant! Finally the conversation in the Jeep between Lois and Clark. Such a cleansing level of honesty would not have happened in a crowded café. Both of them would have had their defenses up.

Now Henderson leaves Lois to talk with Clark? Should be a VERY interesting conversation. Hey, why did Lois want to leave her bags? Where they full of gifts from her late fiancé?

Happy Monday everyone!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.