Originally Posted by folc4evernaday
Hey Toomi8 wave

So, typically when you have a multi-chapter fic. Typically your mid / epic-length fic it's a good practice to pick a day to establish as your posting schedule so readers know when to expect the next chapter. This helps readers know when to look for the next part and is helpful as an author to know when you need to have your chapter ready for posting. I usually will pick a day to post on for my epics either once a week or once every two weeks depending on RL and such. Common courtesy is to try and avoid posting at the same time as another author if possible to give them a chance to receive FDK and such. (Not required but just good manners/practice).

I hope that helps some with regard to posting schedules. wink


I have a weird job, with very strange highs and lows. While the last year has been one wild high, I'm about to enter an insanely busy period.... So, I'd like to try posting on Fridays, but it might be Monday's, or even the odd Saturday. It all depends on how crazy my week has been, which should settle in mid-July (please... I hope so...). Next time I'll think further ahead before beginning something right before I'm about to get my rear handed to me for a bit!!!!