Good luck on your camping trip, Toomi8. The mosquitos up there are a lot bigger and meaner than the ones we have south of the Mason-Dixon line.

This was a short chapter but still interesting. Someone is still pulling strings at LexCorp, and it may be Mrs. Cox doing the pulling. Maybe she was more involved here than in canon. It appears that she's not in police custody, unless I've missed something significant (maybe she made bail?).

I know that Lois has no real reason to suspect that CK=SM at this point, but she's going to start thinking about it very soon. I think she has a subconscious niggle in her mind that will push her toward that deduction, just as Bill has already done. Of course, he's not in love with Clark, so that isn't clouding his reasoning processes. Besides, she's still in shock at being pushed out of LNN.

Perry will get to the bottom of that mysterious "Stop that!" phone call soon, and I'd bet nickles to noodles that both Jimmy and Jack will help significantly. And, like some others, I sure hope Clark's powers come back soon. He always said he wanted a normal life, but living without his powers is analogous to a normal person being in a body cast. All the things one does without thinking are now either exceptionally difficult or impossible. Clark has to help people - it's innate in his psyche - and he can do that far better with powers than without.

Next chapter, please. Following your camping trip, of course. Enjoy whatever activities you have planned and the people with whom you have planned them. And don't come back bathed in pink. (I doubt that's a good look for you.)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing