Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Good luck on your camping trip, Toomi8. The mosquitos up there are a lot bigger and meaner than the ones we have south of the Mason-Dixon line.

This was a short chapter but still interesting. Someone is still pulling strings at LexCorp, and it may be Mrs. Cox doing the pulling. Maybe she was more involved here than in canon. It appears that she's not in police custody, unless I've missed something significant (maybe she made bail?).

Next chapter, please. Following your camping trip, of course. Enjoy whatever activities you have planned and the people with whom you have planned them. And don't come back bathed in pink. (I doubt that's a good look for you.)

Hmm... The intent was to show that Lex had arranged for Lois's departure the morning of their wedding. I've changed the sentence to read:

With trembling hands, Lois placed the receiver back in its cradle. Dave had done some digging and all he could tell her was the orders to terminate her position within LNN had come from much higher up than management. There had been nothing in her file to indicate any performance issues, or anything that would lead to such an abrupt ending of her job. The only thing he had found was a signature on the termination forms, a Mrs. Cox, dated the day she was supposed to be married.

Thankfully we saw almost no mosquitos! Regina was swarming with wasps though, so I think I'd take the mosquitos.