Originally Posted by bakasi
Thanks for another great chapter. It's good to see that Lois and Clark are finally talking again, though Superman interruptus is at work again.

Concerning your problem, I think I'd do with finishing the first story and posting the sequel later.
Haha. I like that. Superman Interruptus. Sounds like a good name for a fic wink

Originally Posted by Morgana
One of the very best parts of these arch of episodes is the meeting between Mr. Stern and Perry White played by James Earl Jones and Lane Smith. These two world-class actors honed their skills on stage and screen and it shows abundantly! How I wish Mr. Stern appeared in other episodes. Watching them argue over modernizing the paper would have been a joy to behold. At least Perry would not have had to worry about some little twerp called Chip taking over his position. Seriously, have a presence like Mr. Stern around would have been a reminder to all of us that sadly, Perry does not run and own the Planet, that he has to answer to 'the suits upstairs'. Especially when one of his reporters gets out of line. Mr. Stern's powerful presence is a constant reminder of that little fact. Also, does anyone think a creep like Ralph would have been allowed to stay and harass people? Nope.
It would have been nice to see Mr. Stern a little more in season 2, though I believe we had a few references in the first episode of that season? After that, were there any?

Originally Posted by Songbird
Thank you for another wonderful chapter! Jimmy sure had bad timing but I’m happy Lois and Clark are finally talking. I hope Clark tells Lois he’s Superman soon.

Whether you continue this story with the sequel or stick to the original outline and have the sequel as a separate story, either would be sweet. I just can’t wait for more! I love it!

Thanks for all the great feedback.

Part Seventeen is posted and is the second last chapter! hyper I hope to have the last chapter posted by next weekend. Enjoy!