Despite the warning at the beginning of the story, I've really enjoyed this fic! Rachel became so much more than a one episode, one dimensional person, and I thoroughly appreciated your version of her.

I read both epilogues, and couldn't say I preferred one over the other.

Have you ever seen the movie 'Up In The Air'? (Spoiler for the major plot spoiler for that movie... If you haven't seen the movie and want to, this will give most of it away....)

Everything ticks along, just like any old rom com, but then, the twist... the love of his life is married! That movie ends and he doesn't get the girl. At the time it felt like the biggest let down, yet after a bit of time, it felt like the right ending.

Now, while this is a Lois and Clark board, and I doubt anyone would appreciate Clark not ending up with Lois, part of me was rooting for Rachel to end up with her!