Hey, fellow FoLCs, I'm back. I was out of state over the weekend for a family emergency - our daughter-in-law two states over passed away suddenly. Her memorial was brief but touching, and we spent some quality time with our son and his kids. The near future will surely bring more changes for them, and we're probably going to need to help him more. I ask for your prayers and good thoughts for all of us, as this is a very stressful time.

Now back to our regularly scheduled escape from reality. Before we get to chapter 15, though, I must respond to the excellent comments.

Bakasi, I'm glad you think Clark and Rachel make a good couple. There is certainly less stress in Clark's life without the tension of the Daily Planet and investigating with Lois and from simply having Lois around all the time. I'm also glad you like the way Perry is working with and putting a little pressure on her. I'm not sure he'll ever acknowledge Lois' betrayal because he thinks she's overreacting in her overreaction (like someone else in Lois' life). Unless she backs down from hating Clark's very existence, she'll have no internal peace.

Toomi8, thank you for your observation on the different writing styles of our former partners. This is part of the "don't tell it, show it" precept that fiction writing books and aids and teachers emphasize. If you want your readers to see something, you can't just mention it in passing. I'm glad it came through for you.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you caught the Get Smart reference with the Cone of Silence. Younger readers may not know of this secret agent satire from the 60's, but I still think it's hilarious in its utter over-the-top idiocy on everyone's part. You're right that Lois' alter ego - Mad Dog Lane - is a protective armor for her heart. Now, though, she feels as if Clark wormed his way inside that armor for the sole purpose of stabbing her in that very organ. He didn't, and we know that, but until she learns it she won't back away from her unjustified fury. And you're right also in that it's poisoning her other work relationships. Many of them blame her for Clark's departure, and we'll see more of that very soon. I agree that Rachel doesn't have much reason to back away from Clark, and we'll see more of her mind and heart in the next chapter.

Blueowl, thanks for the kind words. You're right that Lois needs to face the consequences of her idiocy, and Perry is the one to gently remind her of them. Remember that Clark gave Rachel that warning, because there is a parallel scene later on where a warning isn't given. You'll know it when you see it.

Next chapter coming up! More Clark and Rachel, plus a real twist I'm fairly certain was foretold by no one.

You might need the following musical references. A few of them have some pertinence to the action in the chapter.

Twist and Shout
Jambalaya (not the original but my favorite cover)
Workin' On a Full House
Centerfield (not really country but someone requests it)
Boot Scootin' Boogie and a line dance to it (like the one Clark and Rachel do)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing