Now for feedback on the feedback!

Blueowl, I'm glad you liked Rachel in this chapter. I wanted to portray her and honest and upright, so much so that she wouldn't accept being second choice even if she got who she wanted. I always knew the first-season Lois would come around to loving Clark, but there were times when I thought she was being really horrible. Sometimes one must pass through the dark valley to appreciate the light.

Bakasi, I wasn't trying to tease you with the elevator scene. Remember, though, that their relationship is still in the "don't rock the boat" stage. They're not quite ready to have that deep and meaningful talk. It's coming, I promise.

Cuidadora, your vision of Lois' hair as limp and dull is a detail I wish I'd thought of! Thank you. If you're "seeing" the scene as I write it, that means that you're into the story. The contrast between Clark's early conversation with Lois in Perry's office and the most recent one was deliberate. It was meant to show how badly Clark had been hurt, and apparently it succeeded.

Chapter 22 up in moments! There are some surprises in store for some characters - not all of them pleasant. (The surprises, I mean, not that the characters are unpleasant.)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing