Chapter 17 will be up in moments, but first let's do our housekeeping. I really appreciate all those who have commented, and I want to make sure I acknowledge their efforts.

Blueowl, thank you for all the goodness you sent along. Not real sure what's "coming in first" to you, but I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Bakasi, I'm glad you liked Lana's attempt to receive comfort or consolation or counsel from her furniture. And I'm glad you liked the kissing part. There is more to come.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you liked my attempts at humor. My funny isn't always someone else's funny, so I'm glad this came across so well. And yes, Rachel is deliberately not a Lois clone. Clark knows it too, and that will figure in the final resolution.

Now on to the next post!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing