Ooh, more delicious feedbacks! Yummy!

Blueowl, thank you. You're picking up exactly what I'd hoped my readers would see: Lois trying to set things right but failing, Clark holding on to his hurt, and Rachel supporting and helping as best she can. Comfort over lunch? I dunno. Clark's invulnerable, true, but in his current emotional state I'm not sure he's very hungry. We'll see what happens next.

SupesFan, thanks for believing in Clark. He told his parents that he wouldn't go through with his threat to poison Lois' reputation in Metropolis, but that doesn't mean he's not still heartbroken. The problem - for Lois, anyway - is that he's too angry at her to forgive her at this time.

Bakasi, thank you. This was one of the harder chapters to assemble. It appears that I did a pretty fair job with it. And we'll soon see what he decides to do and when he decides to do it.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you felt the impact of the close. Believe it or not, it's a cliffhanger, one which will be partially resolved in the next chapter. And I'm glad you liked the gunfight music, too. I imagined the theme from the TV show Gunsmoke in Rachel's mind. I also see that you've been peeking into my hard drive again. You're quite prescient, although not exactly on the button (just a tad off-center).

Chapter 20 up now!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing