OK, that was definitely the craziest reaction of Lois learning of the secret I ever read and that has to mean something. Lookng forward where you going with this.
I liked Rachel in GGGOH, and I agree that she is much better concurrence than Mayson could have been. It seems to be common in this fandom to write stories where it's always clear that, no matter what, Lois and Clark will end up together and as nice at this is, having a serious alternate solution is great, too, and like Blueowl I'm rooting for Rachel this time (sorry Lois, but you have enough happy endings with Clark so I think it's fair play) It's an interesting new angle I haven't encountered yet and I'm excited to know how that will Play out. I wonder: Does this Story follow your "I know a secret" tale in continuity?

Last edited by BlindPassenger; 06/01/21 06:15 AM.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.