Before we get to chapter 16, let me respond to the readers.

Bakasi, I'm glad you're seeing what I hoped the readers would see. And you're right - Lois's attitude is shifting. We'll soon see if it's soon enough.

Blueowl, thank you for the kind words about this version of Rachel. This is how I've always envisioned her. Yes, she finally told him that she's known for years that he was more than just good-looking and charming. We will have an extended Superman segment soon.

Cuidadora, there are pluses and minuses to living anywhere, but small towns tend to band together when one family needs help. I wanted to make Rachel as different from Lois as I could to give him a real choice. You're right, solid family support makes a difference in people's lives. Has Metropolis noticed Superman's reduced presence? Good question, but one I chose not to explore just yet due to time and space limitations (this isn't a Doctor Who story, after all). Superman will show up soon. We can imagine that the speaker cabinet clobbered poor Calvin, gave him frontal lobe damage, and he's now studying to be a pharmacist and is a happy, committed husband.

Next up in moments! We'll see a possible resolution for Lana's "situation" and some WAFFy stuff. Enjoy!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing