Firstly.... this....

...she’s about three fries short of a happy meal.

I've heard that line from only one other person/character before, Jack O'Neill. Never heard it before or since. I have no idea if that is a common colloquialism elsewhere in the world, but I appreciated the little lift that gave my day!

Now to the chapter! I appreciate how you addressed Lucy's thoughts towards Clark as Superman, and Superman's part in Johnny's death. Lucy is certainly the more level headed one in the family! I can't imagine Lois figuring something out like that and sitting calmly and working it through in her mind.

Somehow I never thought of Clark owning, or driving, a truck. Though, practically thinking, how else would he get his stuff to Smallville? One guy flying with a few suitcases is one thing, but flying with a couch, maybe not so much.

I'm looking forward to Clark's arrival at home, and meeting Rachel again. I'm hoping that Lois and he don't run into each other before then!