Chapter Five is coming, but first let me respond to the kind FoLCs who have taken the time to leave comments. Thank you!

Blueowl, I understand your reaction to Lois' reaction. But she has reasons, one for every man who's ever hurt her. That doesn't justify her fury, but it does explain it. Lucy and Clark will talk this over and come to an understanding. And I wish I could tell you that Rachel gets everything she wants, but - spoilers!

Bakasi, thank you for you opinion. Rachel is a good friend, and we'll see just how good a friend she can be in the middle of the story. It might surprise you. I would mention now that "deserve" doesn't always apply in matters of the heart. Just sometimes.

Cuidador, that's a spot-on analysis of Lois' mental state. And it's the target at which I was aiming for her mental state. I hope you can handle the upcoming tension.

Toomi8, I'm glad you have some reading time available. I had a family member do the same kind of thing but worse: she invented stuff that upset her and no one could convince her the stuff wasn't true. And we'll see when and how the regret settles in for Lois. As far as Rachel is concerned, y'all will just have to read and find out.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing