After reading this, I must say that I don't think anything could change my desire to see Rachel have a happily ever after ending with Clark and for Lois to wallow in misery for a bit before hopefully growing up, moving on, and having a good life somewhere far-far away from Clark and Rachel. And yeah, I understand Lois has reasons and it might explain her actions, but -- like most people here, I too have a relative who sometimes says and does exceedingly senseless/hateful things, and what's worse is that even though she occasionally may be sorry about it later, we all know she'll do it again. She did have a hard childhood and tragic events throughout her life, I do understand why she does what she does (which is why I don't hate her), but I also know many people who have experienced worse and would never do half of what she's done (which is why I pity her--she has burned so many bridges, including mine after several, several years). It's probably why I now have a cut and dry sort of approach to people's foolishness. I've learned it's not worth my time and energy, or my peace of mind, to attempt to 'make peace/play nice' when certain lines have been crossed. I forgive, but don't let offenses continue.

Anyway, I love how Perry is handling this. I'm glad he knows and has given Clark a means to still have a job. Although I do hope someone will call Lois out soon because what she's doing is definitely crossing a line and downright hateful. What she is doing to him is by far worse than what he has done to her.

Welp, looking forward to more, even though I want to throttle Lois and am seriously looking forward to seeing her comeuppance. . . .