Sorry to fool you, Bakasi, but I never planned to end with Clark and Rachel as a couple. I like the common theme of L&C together forever - just not as reincarnated soulmates. And I would've had to backtrack quite a bit to have a Clark/Rachel pairing appear reasonable after the previous two chapters. Lois would've had to go utterly insane and be committed to an institution.

They weren't quite wearing the same outfits. Clark:

...stood in her doorway in jeans, tennis shoes, light green golf shirt, and a dark blue windbreaker.


...stood in her doorway in jeans, tennis shoes, dark green golf shirt, and a light blue windbreaker.

Granted, it's not a huge difference, but Lois flew with Clark to Texas and then to Smallville. Hard to maintain modesty in a dress. And the Riverwalk in San Antonio is always casual unless you're headed to a formal restaurant. Mexican food places in Texas are almost never formal. Most Americans like to be casual when traveling. I used to have a 200-mile one-way weekend trip from a job to home and back again, and I'd often kick off my shoes and drive in socks.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing