hyper Howdy! Howdy! Howdy! wave

Michael - I remember those stories by Double L, but I didn't remember the engagement ring having special K in it. huh Then again, it's been many moons since I read them and my memory for stories is considerably less than encyclopedic.

We never actually saw that one on the show, so it's pure conjecture whether she'd be game. /says the innocent writer who would never have Lois engage in such acts/
I would NEVER! You must be thinking of someone else. laugh

Lola - Hey! I promise I'm even happier to see you! Thanks for stopping in!

Iolan - And now you're here, too! What a wonderful night it's turning out to be!
Trust me, honey, when you have to ask if you would be crazy to turn him down, he's probably not the right guy for you. You want a guy that you *know* you would have to be crazy to turn down.

Somebody like Clark.

Not a bad suggestion, actually. And you're absolutely right. You do want someone you know you'd be crazy to turn down.
Yep, creepy stalker vibe alert. It seems romantic now. But wait till he checks on where you're going, puts spyware on your phone, and reads all your mail.

Good thing Lex isn't the type to become a stalker then, isn't it? whistle

"I've been rich and I've been poor, and rich is better."

Whoever it was, they seem to know what they're talking about. I'd rather be rich and miserable than poor and miserable. Or rich and happy versus poor and happy. Or… laugh

Why would he be mollified by this assignment? Because it's interviewing a kid? Because the assignment is in Florida? I am not sure what you meant by that.

wallbashIn my fevered brain it was implied that it was an impossible interview to get, but I can see why you'd be confused. I'll reword it for the final version to make it more clear that Lex delivered an interview that Clark had been eager to do.

Thank you to everyone who's commented! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis