Wow, Annie. I would never speak badly about a person's family, but I have to admit that I'm very glad to know that you found a way to break free from what I see as a very intolerant way of seeing the world and now make decisions based on your own perceptions. You have a great inner strength that you should be very proud of.

As for myself, I vote the way my parents do, and I think it makes sense. Ironically, my mother and father are kind of the liberal black sheep in their respective families. Born and raised in small town Indiana, they both came from hard-line, conservative Republican stock. The only exception ever made by my grandmother was John F. Kennedy and that's because he was Catholic. Anyway, both my parents moved away from home and experienced the broader US, and now they are Democratic even though their brothers and sisters remain NRA card carrying Republicans. wink

Funnily enough, I don't necessarily think of myself as a pure Democrat, though. I tend to vote split ticket and base my decision on the merits of each individual, although usually my opinions tend to fall in line with those of Democratic candidates.

Lab, I don't know the percentage, but a very healthy portion of Americans are *not* registered Republicans or Democrats. You can call yourself a "Democrat" and still not be registered with the party. I personally avoid registering because I don't want my name and address on more lists that will result in bombardment by mudslinging junk mail.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah