If politics is genetic, there was some kind of mix-up at the hospital the day I was born.

Maybe my 'real' parents were visiting from liberal New England, or wait...Hollywood! And they accidentally took home the baby next to me, born of very conservative Southerners.

That would explain *a lot*.

I am the lone liberal black sheep in a family of dyed in the wool Republicans. I remember once overhearing my mom tell my dad, rather hopefully, "She'll out grow it. It's a phase."

Anyway, this makes holidays and family get togethers interesting. But, also, has been an education for me. I have 'proof' there are good people on both sides. (I know because I was raised among them. Mom, Dad, sisters, brothers.) And I learned early that people can see things through different lenses, completely different, and can still get along.

Still, I wonder how the baby I was switched with, now, no doubt, a grown-up conservative in a sea of bleeding hearts who don't want tax cuts, is faring these days.

No doubt feeling much cheerier than I am, but Thanksgiving dinner will still be as weird for her as me.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
