I chose "other".

If any of you pay attention to politics in Singapore, for reasons which escape me given how inconsequencial we are on the world stage, you'd know that the government returns to power even before Election Day because so many seats are uncontested, the incumbents have a walk-over victory. So though technically voting is compulsory in Singapore, the majority of us never ever get to exercise our right to vote. Some democracy huh? But I digress.

It so happens that my parents and I recently moved into an area which is contested every election. So my parents actually got to vote during the last general elections. I can guess who, or which political party they would have voted for, though. we never talk politics at home. We just don't, and it's not as we ever agreed to never discuss politics. *shrugs* I don't know why we don't talk politics, but there you go.

Going back to talking about my situation. Well, I just reached voting age, which means I'll have to vote in the next general election, if my constiuency is contested (which it probably will be). Will I vote like my parents? Very likely, though it's certainly not due to parental influence because I don't even know where they stand in the political spectrum. I'm voting like them because essentially, I have the Hobson's Choice. Opposition parties in Singapore are a joke most of the time, and only appear during elections (they disappear after election ends), like the party that contested against the ruling party during the last election. Opposition parties that I'd even consider voting for do not contest in my constiuency. Given that voting is compulsory, I know who my vote is going to (abeit unwillingly).