Vicki - thanks for that explanation. smile That makes things much clearer. Still a little confused as to what advantage is gained then by someone changing a voter's registrated allegience. I mean if someone is a registered Democrat and is switched to Republican without them knowing about it...they're not likely to be voting in the Republican primaries anyway. Right?

Yvonne - I feel for you and everyone like you in England. At least here we have a couple more choices. I'll probably end up voting for either the Scottish Nationals or the Scottish Socialists. Which will seriously kill me, given that I absolutely loathe the leaders of both parties. <g> But, if deeply flawed, they're still about the only option for me these days. And with our proportional system in Scotland, at least they have a chance of getting in and doing some good.

Although might give the Lib Dems a chance, for the same reason. I'd like to vote for them as I'm usually rather impressed with Charles Kennedy (convinced he's just smoother at hiding his true nature, but so far he's failed to show it to me, so I lean towards breaking my vow of never trusting a politician there...for the moment), and up here at least it wouldn't be a wasted vote.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers