My family has been active in Democratic politics ever since I can remember -- I distinctly remember the 1984 election -- Mondale and Reagan -- and Reagan was the devil in my family's eyes. From the age of 3 (almost 4), I knew who was right and who was wrong. I come from a family with a strong union alliance and strong Catholic beliefs and strong Democratic beliefs. I generally vote a Democratic party line because my personal beliefs line up with what the party stands for , and my parents vote Democrat as well for the same reasons. Actually, I am more liberal than John Kerry. My beliefs tend to line up more with our representative, Dennis Kucinich, who is a populist and a progressive. I vote against school levies not so my parents don't have to pay higher taxes, but because the Parma city school district screwed me out of being Valedictorian, and i will always hold a grudge . . . but that's another story.

- Laura smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve