Well, I used to vote like my parents, but it was more because I'd formed my own conclusions about the world growing up and just happened to agree with them, than being unduly influenced by them, I think. goofy In other matters, like religion, I went my own way.

So I did vote Labour for most of my life. No more though. I pretty much believe that no politician of any ilk is to be trusted and they're all in it for the gravy train and their own benefit, not ours. I'm kind of with Billy Connolly on this one, in that the very fact that they became a politician should prove they're not to be trusted. <g> But I feel especially deeply betrayed by Blair, for many, many reasons, and don't believe there is a Labour party to vote for any more.

I think I'm a registered Republican
This was something which came up during the election coverage which puzzled me. You have to register to vote for a particular party, not just to have the right to vote? Doesn't this make any secret ballot somewhat moot? And what happens if you change your mind before election day and decide to vote for someone else? I was reading about some voters discovering that their registration had been switched from one party to another without their knowledge or permission. Would that be just to bump up numbers for pollsters? Some other advantage I haven't fathomed? Or would it actually make a difference to how someone could vote?

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers