I vote pretty much the way my parents do. We don't agree on everything, but poltically, we're pretty close.

I'm not sure if it's genetics, the influence they had in raising me, culture, coincidence, or what.

I think I came to my own views in my own way, but I won't deny that what my parents taught me influenced the development of those views. It's also possible that genetics did play a role. It's even possible that I'll change my mind as I continue to grow.

I do know that my views on things like religion (specifically, the value of it and the role it should play) differ a fair amount with my parents. So, it's not like I simply think the way they think, whatever the cause.

Okay, this is confused and rambling, but basically: Politically, I share my parents' views, but I'm not sure that that isn't at least partially coincidence.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.