I suppose you can I say I vote based on my parents in some sense. However, I checked the "they can't make up their minds" box because, well first and completely unrelated, my mother is a hardcore Republican and would kill me in my sleep if she knew I voted for Kerry. However, my dad is mostly Democratic but in general he thinks everyone sucks so he never really has one way of voting. Consequently, I sit on the fence and vote for whoever I think is best, regardless of parties. I'm sure they tried to instill beliefs in me at some point, but I've always been a very make-up-my-own-mind kind of person, so the fact that I tend to vote like my mother for the most part is sheer coincidence. I think I'm a registered Republican...anywho, I go back and forth; it just depends on the candidates.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy