Okay. Well, as long as you still intend following it with this:

"What if I just warned you about attending a certain function? Just that. Just told you not to go. Told you to talk Lois out of going-"

"I’m doomed," Clark broke in. "If this warning involves talking Lois out of anything."

Silas smiled, but the lightness failed to reach his eyes. He drew in a deep breath. "Clark, when you're in your fifties, you’ll be invited to a retirement party for Perry White --"
because it's the panicked 'don't go to this party' which I love. It shows so much about the way Silas feels about his ancestors. Always, before, because they were his ancestors. Now, because he's come to know Clark and he's more than just a face and a voice in a holovid.

Something else occurred to me, anyway. Doesn't Clark know, from what he's seen in the musuem and the family records, that he and Lois don't die in their fifties? If so, he'll know that, whatever happens, it isn't fatal to either of them. And he's likely to decide, when the time comes, that it's better to go but be wary - after all, who knows how their futures, and Silas's future, could be altered if he doesn't?

Anyway. Whatever. It's your story! But can I just reiterate how much I adore that scene? thumbsup

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*