Wow, CC. I don't know how you do it.
Pretty much sums up my thought processes, except for...what the heck are you feeding your muse and how do I get some???

I love that you pinned those two stories together, it's a great setting and brought everything you wrote in the first one flooding back.

Remember in WTWFO, Clark was reading articles about the evil media's response to his offspring...HIS BABIES you wrote. Well that's why I think he's really motivated in this particular instance, not that he's not always motivated to help, but he REALLY HAS to this time, his babies are counting on him.

And now Silas is getting a taste of the responsibility...I love this for reasons I can't express in writing.

Your story ROCKS, CC!!! thumbsup

TEEEEEEEJ <GREEEEEEN with envy> laugh