As has been said, there are no superlatives left to compliment this story. It has a lock on all of them.

Favorites parts --

1) Lois realizing that the Peacekeepers have shot themselves in the foot by hiding themselves too well, and recognizing how this world might drive Tempus to do what he's done.

2) Clark and Silas's converation about Clark *not* knowing his destiny from the beginning, but just growing into it and learning as he went. And that Silas is a throwback (which I had kind of suspected; you did a great job of dropping subtle hints). And that he has been fighting his destiny because he didn't think he could measure up. (Slight shades of Alt-Clark in there, too.)

3) The comments on this part. Because ... well, I have to confess, I've never read WTWFO. So that was a complete shock to me. And I'm glad that we don't have to have read that story to get this one. Even though now I'm thinking I'll have to read it after this story is done because if it's anywhere near as good as this one is (and I'm sure that it will be, knowing who the author is smile ) I'm sure I'll be just as enthralled. I'm just hoping it's not *too* high on the angst meter scale ... anyone want to email me to let me know if I should run screaming now? <g>

Kathy (who figures she could just ask the author about that other story ... since I kind of know her <g>)