Yup, I'm with Pam on that great moment (I've got you) and its earlier parallel.

Otherwise, I'm just checking in to say I'm here, I'm reading, and I'm still gob-smacked and stuck for superlatives.

This is a story, I think, which has something for everyone. For the geeks, we have time-travel. For the waffy crowd, we have a burgeoning relationship. For the angsty crowd, we have...well, lots, but not least of all the pressure Clark is under to be Superman when he's hardly figured out which way up his cape is. For the next-gen people, we have Silas and The Family. For villain-lovers, we have Tempus. For the A-plotters, we have Tempus, the Peacekeepers, and How Are L&C Going To Get Home. And for the comedy crowd, we have some hilarious moments.

Yay! Aren't we a lucky bunch of readers?
