Now if you really want to make things queasy, you could make Tempus a family member. Since he and Lois think somewhat alike, I'd guess he's on the Lane side.

After all, we all have black sheep in the familyl!

(But then, he'd cease to exist, because without Lois & Clark getting together, he wouldn't be alive...HMMM...forget that idea!)

After re-reading WTWFO again (yes I'm bored -vacation and it's raining and 40 degrees in CT -ick!- and I read REALLY fast - ) it occurs to me that in STM, Luthor had that great underground Lair near the subways.....

overly ornate and garish.... forgot about that...

Now, the *can* turn it into a deli for the archives, you know. A full-service deli that even sells Bear Claws!!I mean, in your story, you even say:

“No kidding,” she said. “What does bakery mean, Junior?”

“A store for baked goods.”

“Of course. Why am I even surprised? What else would you people have but peaceful pastries, serene bagels , éclairs of tranquility?”
There's no FANFIC law against that. It could be an exact replica of the deli in NY that Clark bought Lois' bagel in. Just a thought...

You gotta post the next part, CC...or I'm going to have to clean out my closets and straighten out my spare room!!


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"